Lacob And Guber Show Off Jerseys

New Golden State Warriors Lacob and Guber Show Off Jerseys

Joe Lacob Talks About New Ownsership

Golden State Warriors New Owner Joe Lacob Talks About New Ownsership

Rasheed attended the Lacob / Guber media luncheon today and provided real time tweets to let the rest of us know what was happening. Here are some insights and memorable quotes from todays event.

Kirk Lacob will be working for the Warriors doing video work, scouting and assisting with operations. He lists himself as Director of Basketball operations on his Linkedin profile.

Guber stole the show with his energy and humor.  He spent a lot of time focusing on the fan experience and getting more families to the games.  Also talked about a new mascot probably not involving a giant stuffed character but unclear.

Guber mentioned great people in the org and gestured towards Riley and Rowell. Hopefully he was just gesturing towards Riley.

Guber talks about taking chances…can’t win unless you take chances.

Guber “This isn’t curing cancer, this is curing Coahn though.” Quote of the day.

Lacob is the Top Dog of this group and has no problem making it known along with letting everyone in on how involved he’s going to be.

I know all of you are interested in what food was served so here’s the menu from yesterday:

This is definitely an exciting beginning for everyone associated with the team as the entire Warriors’ community has been given a re-birth.  The fans and supporters of the team exude enthusiasm as they see Lacob-Guber as saviors from the Cohan regime which had this market in a losing vicegrip for close to two decades.

Lacob has said he’s put everyone in evaluation mode from Team President Robert Rowell on down.  Rowell has been removed from the basetball side of the Warriors operation and will focus squarely on the business aspect of the team.

Lacob-Guber plan to be much-more media friendly than their predecessor as they are in tune with how vital of a role the media plays in the market and building/maintaining relationships is key.  Guber speaks highly of New Media as he’s an avid user of Twitter among other Social Media platforms.

Lacob-Guber have talked the talk; now, its time for them to walk the walk.  Enjoy Warriors’ fans, you deserve this new beginning.

One Response

  1. Kim Brown

    Can you get this to Lacob. I fear for the Warriors players. This from my brother who is a board certified internist:

    The Warriors medical staff messed up Lee’s care for that tooth wound in New York against the Knicks, it was bleeding like hell and they wrapped it up, but they didn’t give him antibiotics! Bite wounds are Always infectious because the mouth and the teeth are crawling with bacteria, everybody knows that, whoever cares for those guys is lost, he woke up the next morning screaming in pain and his arm all blown up, then they treated him only with antibiotics without debridement of the wound, then 2 days later he has to go to the hospital for debridement in the OR, but they either didn’t debride enough by they gave him the wrong antibiotics because 2 days after that (last night) he’s back in the hospital again! I tell you if this was in New Jersey they’d already be suing the Warriors for malpractice, it’s inexcusable (as mom would have said), at this point they may never get him back (because you can die from this) or they won’t have him back for weeks.