The Rio Olympics are about to begin, and Team USA basketball is going to get to enjoy these games in style.

Like every Olympics since 1992, USA basketball will not be housed in the Olympic village. Security issues are too serious for that.

Usually the team ends up staying in a posh hotel in the host city, but this time it’s going to be slightly different.

Instead of a luxury hotel in the heart of the city, the team is going to stay on a floating hotel in a major port.

The Silver Cloud is a cruise ship that gets the honor of housing members of both the Team USA men’s basketball team as well as the women’s squad.

Pictures of the ship make it look absolutely incredible, and there’s undoubtedly going to be a competitive advantage provided by such comfortable quarters.

The juxtaposition between the settings is even more pronounced these Olympics, as numerous athletes have expressed discontentment with the conditions within the Olympic Village.

“I try not to compare the conditions,” said Carmelo Anthony, who downplayed the perception that the U.S. team is in a much better situation that other teams.

“It’s not so much about us being and staying on a boat. It’s just like we would be staying in a hotel. It’s the same thing. It’s not like we’re cruising around,” said Anthony.

He has a point. Cruise ships are associated with extravagance and ultimate opulence, but it’s really no different than the experience of past USA basketball teams. This time, the setting just happens to be floating on water.

In the name of consistency, the only logical objection would be to protest the special treatment of USA basketball at every Olympics, but that is misguided when security issues are put into play.

“There’s some disadvantages to staying on the ship,” Anthony said, and mentioned the small rooms and small beds.

The boat also rocks from strong waves, and maybe some players will get sea sick. At least those staying in the Olympic village don’t run the risk of sea sickness.

In the end, Team USA has a superior lineup to the other teams competing. It’s really not going to matter where the players end up staying.