NBA: Los Angeles Clippers at Golden State Warriors

By: Yama Hazheer

By now, you probably know that Draymond Green’s rookie contract is set to expire at the end of the season. You also likely know that Green is a significant part of the Warriors growth and first seed in the Western Conference. And there have been several rumors that the Detroit Pistons will go hard after him when the season concludes to bring him home.

Warrior fans are worried that they might lose one of the hardest working players in the league and an elite asset to their team’s development. Bob Myers has made it clear that he will match any offer given to Green and will do what it takes to retain him in the Bay Area.

Here are seven reasons why Myers will and should do whatever it takes to bring Green back when the season comes to an end:

NBA: Los Angeles Clippers at Golden State Warriors

7. He’s A Fan Favorite

On a team that Stephen Curry is on, it’s hard to imagine anyone else would get much love from a fanbase. But Green has done just that. He might not be as loved as Curry or Klay Thompson, but Green is one of the most cherished players the Warriors have had in a long time.

#PayDray is a popular hashtag on Warriors Twitter and fans love to call him Money Green. His ability and will to lay out on the floor for the sake of the team makes him one of the few players in the league who still do that.

Maybe the number 23 in a Warriors jersey warrants fans in the Bay to love you. Or maybe Green simply deserves to be admired by everyone who is a part of Dub Nation, or a basketball fan in general.

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